Yien's blog header
Thursday, June 19, 2008 Y 7:12 PM

Go to urbandictionary.com, and type in your answer to each question in the search box. only use the first page.

1. your name? Amalina
-amalina isn't defined yet.

hahahhahahaah. =p

2. nickname? yiena
-yiena isn't defined yet.

my name is undefined! hehehe. :D

3. your boyfriend/girlfriend's name. kelyn (my sister's name, since.. yknow)
-kelyn isn't defined yet

what tha hell is up with this? it doesn't work on me? grrrr.

4. bestfriend? dira
-short for Indira, a really hot funny amazing girl .

that's a nice one, ey? hehe.

5. what should you be doing? sleeping.
-To masturbate furiously in your room while praying that your grandma doesn't come in.

hahahahahahhaha! whaaaaaat ?

6. where do you want to go? disneyland.
-The largest human trap run by a Mouse.

way to go Mickey! heeeeh.

7. home state? Brunei.
-An extremely rich country that has very poor neighbors.

8. Finish the line; "the best thing(s) in life is/are __?" music
-Ruined by MTV .

i may agree.

9. one word to describe yourself right now? exhausted.
-what mindless people type into the little "look up" box on urbandictionary..because they are bored, and most likely tired its a vicious circle.

you said it.

10. what is in the air? boredom.
-What you are probably suffering from if you are reading this definition.

hahaha. this thing hates me!

try it! hee.

katainggababunana, yiena.

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