Sunday, November 25, 2007 Y 4:28 AM ![]() i'm missing someone right now. it's him, that dude, he's in KL now. :( i received a call from him just now. :D yayy! he remembers me. HAHA. apakann. well yeaah, i talked to him. he said he's bored there. :S awwwww. he'll be back this wednesday. :D i misssssss youuuuuuuu. *flying kisses. andddddd.. tomorrow is finals for the in school basketball tournament! yayyy! the Flyerz will play against RP and The Repeaters will play against Mc Flame. well, i think Flyerz and The repeaters will make it to the finals! and whoever wins the champion will play against us girls! HAHA. i know it'll be fun, well i hope so. since i'm the emcee in this tournament, they asked me to prepare a speech. i've just finished them. :D coach said, biar sampai orang nangis. haha. well no, i can't make sampai orang nangis but yeaah, kely said it's a great speech since she helped a little. thanks ka! i called Dira just now to let her hear my speech, she said, "padat" if i didn't missed-heard. i think, it's okay. :D hehe. so i went out ma today. :D and i ate chocolate cake. wheeeee. bah im off. :) Tuesday, November 20, 2007 Y 4:40 AM yesterday, i sleptover at my cousin's. though i didn't really sleep. :S but uhh, i need to get my mind of things. 'cause, lately. life's being an ass to me. it saddens me. :( i just don't know what to do. but, having my cousins around kinda cheered me up a little. it's all worth it than crying. if only i can spill it out here, it would be much better. but, i just can't. i might dragged someone to my obstacles if i mentioned it in here and im not gonna do that. so it's better if i just keep it to myself though it fucking hurts me. i misss youuuuuuuuuuuuuu. :( i wish i could've seen you longerrr. too bad, that was all the time we had until next time? *sigh* atleast, i got see you. heh. you're not around. :( it upsets me. :'( i'm getting lazy each day since i got nothing to do. =\ matieeeeee, boringgggg! okay so, whatever. imma have my dinner. toodles. <3 yiena. may dad rst in peace. *Al-fatihah. Friday, November 16, 2007 Y 12:32 AM After what happened, this is the greatest thing that happened to me. i finally let out what i had been feeling. though how much it hurts me but i guess, it's all worth telling. i cried. and how much i miss him. <3 i love you, you know that. cause, i really do. when it's time, we'll have the moment to be with each other, even for a while. i don't mind when i know it'll hurt me. but if fates brings us together for eternity, i will never regret. i wish to see you very soon. <3 to this guy, you know who you are.. love. <3 yiena. may dad rest in peace. AMIN. *al-fatihah. Saturday, November 10, 2007 Y 7:21 AM I bet y'all are curious with the word dgb. It stands for Dira, Gmah and Kaka Buzzy. We went for a swim tadi. We had fun :D too bad Yanee wasn't there. she missed out a lot sudah. I'll be having my last two papers on monday which is POA and Geography, both paper one. it'll be okay, i guess. it's only MCQs. so after my exam.. woohoo! i am so extremely tired. i need to rest and get my own things done. heeeee. i wish i could join eyeteaserz perform this 26th? but yeaah. they said it's confirmed. i'll come by practice but i won't be joining them perform but at least i could get to be there at the day of the performances. oh how much i miss dancing. :( and it doesn't give me much of a choice. next year i'll be in form 5 so i'll be taking my O' levels. grrrrr. i guess, i'll be off from my activities and more to my studies. hopefully, i won't miss a thing. i don't want to. but i will be there for eyeteaserz! :D wheeee! i just got home from my neighbour also my cousin. we're gonna have this family gathering called "Mat Serudin's Family". it's been years since we celebrated so they planned to celebrate it this year. :) we had shows happening all around, all by three Teris. namely- POKUL, Aminah and Hindun. and i am in teris Aminah. :) so, we had a little practice. they asked me to dance but i rejected, as i said, i don't feel comfortable dancing infront of the crowds. but i helped them chreographed few steps. they know that imma dancer so they asked me to get things done if i could. so i did, i helped them with my old VERY simple dance. but they like it, atleast they can cope it. cause this gathering is like very soon, i heard it's gonna be on this 17th. so okayyy. they asked me to sing to this lagu "cinta" i'm not so sure if jadi or inda. ikut cakap durang. 'cause, they said "kalau menyanyi mana papa tu lai eh, jangan saja kau lumpat2" and i thought to myself, bukannya both inda dapat kah? she's the pengarah at this something pasal agama lah. so yeah, i think it'll be okay. but i knoww dance inda boleh, obviuosly. i think, that's about it :D Yiena Ali?<3> Friday, November 9, 2007 Y 9:24 PM My day yesterday went okay at least i think so, cause i can't remember what i did. BUT! i have something i-don't-know-what-to-call-it to update here! nyahaha. I'm gonna start from the very beginning of the story until how it leads to what i'm about to tell. It goes like this.. One day, i chatted with this unknown guy who was in my contact list in MSN. We talked about things and got close. Well, you know how this can be. When you're close with someone, you tend to ask about things like, "do you have boyfriend?" or "do you have a girlfriend?" right? Well, he didn't ask me pulang but, i just needed to know O=) So i asked him first. He said, he wasn't with someone nor inlove with someone nor seeing someone. Then i thought it'd be okay, right? We even talked on the phone or sometimes even texted each other. Oh how we were close :( and then, came another day.. *wait wait, i can't remember what happened that day* oh yeaaah! he asked me whether I know this girl or not. adalah this girl, i'm not gonna mention her name in here. Then, i said, no. He explained things on how i could be related to her but i still couldn't recall. I got curious, so i asked why. kali apa kah di cakapnya.. i sooo forgooottttttt! :s :s But that girl yang he asked me is his girlfriend! they're with eachother for one year plus? as he said. so, Ooh-kay! the girl knows who i am and who i am to him. yes, me and him are friends saja not more nor less. But the guy kept things in touch in between. hehh! pitty him for doing so. adalah he said to her about "don't mess things up with her (me) " then, she got sad. awwwwh~ :( she cried. heeeee. see, it's not my fault. she asked for my email arah him. he asked for my permission and i allowed him. heh. i thought she was a good girl type. oh how was i wrong! by this, you can see how she could hate me. lots of things happened lah, not that a lot but yeaah. i talked with her in msn, it went okay. not until last two nights.. i went to kedai runcit and i saw this very familiar looking girl.. hehe yes yes, it's that girl. it was for the first time we've seen each other for a very long time. I went near her as she was near at the entrance. i tried to smile but she gave me the cold look with her eyes-rolled. oh okay, she hates me? I can get a little bitchy at times, so i went to her and said, "hey, you're *her name* right?" and she said, "yeaa" in her i don't know, cold way. i went "Ooh-kay" with my eyebrow raised. i went home, i went online.. and i saw her online! batah sudah ia inda online. the boyfriend pun online. Then, not long after that LOTS of people added me! and i asked, who are they and how did they got my email. they said, dari "amalbrakas" from "chatworld" and i was like, WHAT THE HELL??? as i changed my nick arah msn to "too fucked up to even spread my email. if sasak, bedapan. talurrrrr" then, i checked ia nada online. heh. weird. :s i confronted the boyfriend, but he didn't reply. heh. again, weird. :s usually, he replies. so.. my email has been spread. boohoo yoouu. i think it's her. cause, no one calls me amal. except for my cousin, which i don't they dare to do so or my kawan lama.. which they won't do so too. oh and them.. which they possibly be could be the one. hehh. i'm not gonna do anything about it, but if she happen to cross my line, then she will get the price she pays. : yiena<3 Wednesday, November 7, 2007 Y 5:40 AM well, i have nothing much to say about. but, i did got sick today; fever. my nose kept running and it's uncomfortable. i'm having headaches and i look pale. i can't revise much, 'cause of this headaches. my sight are not doing so well; i can't see things clearly. i'm feeling so cold yet i'm still using my shorts. i have more papers to go. my sickness came on my best week *sarcaism*. pfffft. i hate this. tomorrow, i'll be having Economics, which i hate! well, i don't like. hate is so over-rated. it's not that i hate economics. i like them. but, i have problems with the teacher. i hate you! seriously, i do. i tried to go with your studies, but you ruined it! and you blamed me for being stupid in it. no, it's not. it's you. if it was me, then, why does my students mates had the same grades as i did? see, it's you. they don't have a thing with you, well i do. you started it! it was just a fucking phone and you made a big deal out of it. i'll be giving my best shot for tomorrow. so, respect what i'll be answering. cause, after all this time.. i wrote like 1oo words of an essay and i've only been given 6 out of 30 marks for it. what the hell? yes, i'm making this a big deal because, she, the so called "teacher" treats me like i'm a nobody! hey, i'm a student who's here, who wants to learn. economics is my kinda subject but ughhh you effing ruined it! :( Eyeteaserz had been asked to perform this late november. at the orchid garden. i think, eyeteaserz will perform, most of us said okay, though we have to pay. :S practice will start soon, i hope. i haven't been updated. but, i know it's going to be soon. after exams, i bet. to eyeteaserz, i'm sorry for now. i can't lend a place for practice. i'm sure you guys understand why and there's 50, 50 i might be joning this performance or not. that, i'm sure guys understand too. it'll be *something* if i shake my ass infront of crowds after what happened, but, i'll think about it. 'cause dancing is my life. even 'arimullah my dad supported me in this. i'll re-consider. that's all for now. yiena<3 *al-fatihah. may dad rest in peace. Monday, November 5, 2007 Y 9:44 PM It took more than 3o minutes for me to sign in. :S gaaaaah. i forgot my password and errr email? haha. pitty me for not signing in for a very long time. so, here i am. back again. updating my most boring blog. heeeeee. i've been busy with exams lately. heeee. yes, i have nothing that to worry much about, 'cause it's just an end-year examination. HAHA. hopefully, i'll get good grades better that before. i had science and malay today. i thought science was going to be difficult, but oh! i was wrong. it wasn't that hard! yeeaaay! heeeee. i used to hate science, but since the science teacher has been changed to a BETTER one. i started to like themm and finally, started to learn! haha. malay was hehh okay. =/ it's just me here, in kelyn's room (my sister), she's bringing ma out. i don't know kemana. i asked ma to buy me foods. :D heeeeee. brother is in his room, i asked to watch tv here with me. tapi, kelyn inda suruh. so yeaaah, aloneeeeee. it's currently raining now. and yes, im scared walaupun time ptg ani! haha. oh no! it's getting heavier! gaaaaaah. imma call brother es dulu... okay, im back. i just called brother es. and he asked, "can i take my shower first?" haha. bah bah, go! heee. im watching desperate housewives while blogging. season 4, baby! wheeeee. :D okay. imma update again soon. prolly tonight. toodles. yiena<3 *al-fatihah. i miss you dad! may you rest in peace. Amin! al-fatihah* |
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